free drug rehab

Being addicted to medication is a a complex problem defined by intense and, at times, uncontrollable carvings, that takes the win over the terrible consequences of it's use. 

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 Being addicted to medication is a a complex problem defined by intense and, at times, uncontrollable carvings, that takes the win over the terrible consequences of it’s use. 


Substances are not normal drugs 

Substance Abuse is not what we think it is since we aren’t talking about ordinary drugs here, but simply anything that can be ingested by the human body, but mainly inhalants and solvents or anabolic steroids. 

The limit to cross

It’s sometimes really hard to set a line to cross to consider someone’s habits an abuse. When is it the time to decide if a couple drinks here and there are too much? Here, it’s more to the concerned individual to decide when he considers he’s going too far. Same goes with coffee and cigarettes: how to tell if it’s too much?

Those are delicate situations, but most of the time, it’s obvious when someone is suffering from Substance Abuse. Ingesting substances that are not meant to be ingested and doing so on a daily basis is withouht a doubt too much.